Testing Fundamentals

Steve Kinney
4 hours, 29 minutes CC
Testing Fundamentals

Course Description

Ship code with confidence! Learn the basics of testing and apply Test-Driven Development techniques to your workflow. Create automated tests for DOM elements and user interactions. Use mocks and spies to control your environment and test more complex code. Gain practical experience writing unit and integration tests while exploring common testing tools.

This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.


Course Details

Published: October 29, 2024


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Table of Contents


Section Duration: 15 minutes
  • Introduction
    Steve Kinney begins the course by sharing the benefits of testing and providing the code for a basic test. Prerequisites are also discussed. Students do not need any previous testing experience but should be comfortable with JavaScript and NPM.
  • Course Overview
    Steve provides links to the course website and the GitHub repository containing examples used throughout the course. Students should clone the repo and run `npm install` in the root directory. Vitest, the primary testing tool used in this course, is introduced, and some additional testing tools are discussed.

Testing Basics

Section Duration: 53 minutes
  • Anatomy of a Test
    Steve runs an example test and explains the structure. Tests use a specific API to verify code works as expected. When a test fails, an error is thrown in the test. The terminal provides instant feedback, automatically re-running tests as they change and displaying the results.
  • Writing Your First Test
    Steve introduces test-driven development as the add() function is tested. First, a test is written to verify the correct result is returned when two numbers are passed to the add() function. The test fails initially because the function is not yet implemented. After the test is written, the add() function is implemented, and the tests pass.
  • Simple Tests Exercise
    Students are instructed to write tests for the subtract, multiply, and divide functions. After writing the tests, the functions should be implemented.
  • Testing Guidelines
    Steve walks through some general guidelines for writing tests. Tests can be easy to write. The more difficult challenge is thinking through the edge cases that must also be tested. For example, what if two strings are passed to the add() function?
  • Testing for Invalid Input
    Steve writes additional tests to ensure the add() function can handle unintended input. These tests check for valid input and an expected result. If string values can be converted to numbers, the function should still return the sum. If the result is NaN, the function should throw an error.
  • Testing for Edge Cases Exercise
    Students are instructed to write tests for the subtract, multiply, and divide functions to handle different types of input. After writing each test, the function implementations should be updated so the tests pass.

Testing Equality

Section Duration: 39 minutes

Testing the DOM

Section Duration: 1 hour, 1 minute

Stubs, Spies, and Mocks

Section Duration: 1 hour, 9 minutes
  • Test Doubles
    Steve introduces Test Doubles, which includes testing tools like stubs, mocks, and spies. These tools are useful for "faking" data or dynamic areas of an application to control the testing environment.
  • Spies
    Steve demonstrates how spies track whether a function was called, how many times it was called, and with what arguments. They can also verify that a function was triggered under the right conditions. Spies do not modify the function’s original behavior unless explicitly configured.
  • Mocks
    Steve explains mocks replace the actual implementation of a function and configure how it behaves in different test cases. Like spies, mocks keep track of how many times a function was called and with what arguments. Mocks combine the benefits of both stubs and spies, making them useful in more complex testing scenarios.
  • Alert Spy Exercise
    Students are instructed to spy on the alert() function to ensure it's called with the correct message when the "Trigger Alert" button is clicked. This lesson also includes a solution using dependency injection.
  • Mocking Dependencies
    Steve explores how to mock dependencies in components. Using stubs and mocks allows developers to control the environment, however, mocking too many dependencies can lead to unrealistic testing scenarios. Refactoring code to use dependency injection is a better solution for creating more testable code.
  • Mocking Time
    Steve demonstrates the methods provided by Vitest for mocking dates and times. These methods are useful for testing how UI elements behave in time-based situations like showing the time since a specific update or an interaction that need to occur after a specific time.

End-To-End Testing

Section Duration: 26 minutes
  • Playwright
    Steve introduces end-to-end testing with Playwright. Playwright launches a headless browser and tests a URL with the same interactions a user would. The methods provided from Playwright can check the page title, find elements on the page, click buttons, and more.
  • Testing the Counter with Playwright
    Steve demonstrates how to write Playwright tests for testing the accident counter project. The tests launch the application, then locates and clicks the increment button. While this test is simple, it ensures the UI elements are there and are functional.
  • Mock Service Worker
    Steve introduces Mock Service Worker. The JavaScript Service Worker API can intercept network requests. The Mock Service Worker library leverages this capability, allowing mock network requests to be created and used in place of real backend APIs.

Wrapping Up

Section Duration: 3 minutes
  • Wrapping Up
    Steve wraps up the course with some final thoughts about testing. Getting to a comfortable level of test coverage for a team can be difficult if an application is already in production, but the combination of improved testing and refactoring difficult-to-test code will help.

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