Check out a free preview of the full Complete Intro to SQLite course

The "Introduction" Lesson is part of the full, Complete Intro to SQLite course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Brian Holt begins the course by sharing his background and walks through the course website which contains all the notes and code samples.


Transcript from the "Introduction" Lesson

>> Brian Holt: My name is Brian Holt and welcome to the complete intro to SQLite. Please head to and you will end up on this website the complete intro to SQLite. And you can see here I have 2 computers here so What you see right here is literally my notes, so you can feel free to follow along with me.

You can copy and paste the code examples, sometimes it's fun to actually type them out, but it's all here, so feel free to share this. This is open source, yeah, cool. So as way of introduction of how to use this website. If I click into one of these sections, you can see this is the welcome section and the intro lesson.

If you click in there, you'll see, up here, it'll say welcome intro, so you can kind of figure out where I am in the course. If you wanna jump around in the video, or you wanna you just lost track of where I am really easy way to tell.

>> Brian Holt: Cool, so let's talk about SQLITE. I'm teaching this for Frontend Masters. Thanks Frontend Masters for inviting me back yet again. And today we're gonna learn a little bit about SQL. There's no SQL experience required to start this class. We're gonna talk about the core features of SQLite, we're gonna do a little bit of building some Node.js applications with SQLite.

We'll talk about what's unique to SQLite, some advanced features with JSON, and then we'll talk about what the future holds for SQLite with things like Lightstream, LightFS, and LibSQL. All things that we will talk about when we get there. Who is this course for? Hopefully it's for you.

This course is most helpful. If this is not your first programming exposure, a little bit of JavaScript would go a long way. I don't expect you to be like Node developers for this, except for maybe the one little exercise we have a node, that's fine. I've taught a few courses that would help you, if you wanted to brush up before you start going forward.

Wanna be intro to Web Dev, intro to Linux and the CLI, if you've never used a CLI before. And then we will use a little bit of containers at the very end of the course. You don't have to have use container, you don't even have to really kind of follow along.

You can just kind of watch at that point, so that's more optional, but I do think it's a cool course. Cool, I have also taught the complete intro to SQL, which is really the complete intro to Postgres. So if you If you're interested in learning more about that, I have a whole thing on that as well.

They both cover the basics of SQL, but this one will obviously get more into the, better parts of Postgres as well.
>> Brian Holt: Who am I? That guy, if that wasn't obvious I'm a staff product ,manager at Neon, which is a serverless Postgres company. So you can tell that I kinda like databases, this Neon is now my third database company that I've worked at, and fourth, if you wanna count, Microsoft.

So I like databases, I keep working on them, and I get excited about them. So I guess I'm just gonna keep going with it. I've been a PM and an engineer at SQLite Cloud, Snowflake was the other database company that I worked at, Stripe, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Netflix, Reddit and some other smaller startups I've been teaching at front of masters for it's probably been about a decade now.

And I'm gonna keep doing it until they kick me out, this might be the time, we don't know. Recently moved to Sacramento, previous to that, lived in Salt Lake, San Francisco, Seattle. I was born and raised in Montana, and I also lived in Italy for a while. And feel free to catch up with me on the socials, I left my links there.

Do recognize that I am terrible at answering DMs, but yeah, please feel free to tweet at me.
>> Brian Holt: I always get these questions, so I just try and answer them up front of like, Hey Brian, what technologies are you using? I will be using VS Code, I used to work on VS Code, so I did a blood oath that I must continue using VS Code, or the ghost of Bill Gates will haunt me.

I'm using Firefox, Chrome's cool too, I just like supporting Firefox. I am using the default terminal app here, but there's lots of other cool ones. I have Docker desktop installed, I'll be using that for Docker. Here's all the themes and fonts that I am using. They are all linked there, feel free to click through those if you're curious about any of these things work.

Inevitably, there will be mistakes on this website, feel free to file issues. Feel free to open poll requests, they're all very appreciated. We do our best.

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