Will Sentance
In this course you’ll go under the hood of Node.js in two contrasting ways - by understanding how to develop servers from intuitive first-principles (HTTP, TCP/IP, Ports, Loopback, SSH) and by understanding the JavaScript features that make up Node (the event loop, streams, buffers, asynchronicity, prototypes). Taking these two approaches together you will develop a deeper understanding of servers, Node, and JavaScript itself!
This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.
Will Sentance courses on Frontend Masters are the best I've taken. Great use of graphical representations for explaining core basic concepts that we usually don’t understand clearly.
Ricardo Crespo
I finished Frontend Masters "The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js" taught by Will Sentance! It was a comprehensive dive into server-side concepts, equipping me with a deeper Node.js understanding in just the right detail.
Hareesh Bhittam