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The "Nurture Your Audience" Lesson is part of the full, Guide for Launching Your Next Big Idea course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Paul encourages creating a campaign to stay connected and nurture the relationship between you and your potential customers. Communicating regularly keeps the audience engaged and leads to a higher conversion rate as the product is released.


Transcript from the "Nurture Your Audience" Lesson

>> So people have hit your landing page. You've driven a load of people to the landing page. Maybe they've pre-ordered, maybe they've signed up for a mailing list, whatever. But you now know who these people are and you wanna nurture them a bit. We wanna get them excited, we wanna get them on board.

So when we actually wanna take their money, they still are willing to give it to us, right? Now from running campaign in itself, we're gonna have learned loads of things about our audience who might have done multiple versions of the campaign with slightly different landing pages. With different calls to action, with different pricing.

We can fiddle around with that as much as we want to or otherwise. All the time we're doing those tests, not only are we learning about what we'll work to build, but we're also building up an audience, right? And we don't wanna loose that audience and we'll lose them if their emails just sit there, right?

How many times, I don't know, I sign up for stuff, I'm like you, I'm an early adopter, so I'll sign up for any old wet maids. And then I get this email through, say, you'll be excited to hear we've launched X. And I'm going X, X. What was that?

Yeah, did I sign up for that? I don't think I signed up for that spam, right? I mean that's useless. You've got to nurture people you've got to hear from you regularly. So, this is why I do. When people first sign up, I put them on what I call an on boarding email series.

So I plan a series of emails over a number of weeks that talk them through the features and the benefits that they will receive, or even go a little bit broader than that. You have a series of emails over a series of weeks just to kind of get them on board, get them thinking, get them a bit enthusiastic.

Then after that, right? Because you might not necessarily build the whole app in a few weeks, you're probably not. I expect you've got months of work ahead of you. So once a month or so, I would drop them an email, basically with a progress update IT trying to keep them excited try and keep them engaged, talking about the development, progress, etc.

And what I tend to encourage in those is a bit of feedback as well. Why don't you write me tell me about your story and the challenges you've been facing? Maybe you want to suggest to the feature, right? And create a place where users can submit ideas that they want to see in the application and vote them up and down.

And we can use that poll unit that we used for the top task analysis earlier to collect those features, right? So that makes people feel kind of engaged. And then when the product maybe is in a bit of a better place, then you can give them some early access, right?

You can encourage those on the mailing list to use the app for free for a while to a, get them hooked, hopefully, b, to get some useful feedback and c, to encourage them interest. So there's lots of opportunities there as well to really nurture that audience and make use of them.

And that's basically it in terms of that kinda test campaign. But that test campaign is by far the most powerful thing, in some ways, out of everything that I've said today. Because it's an opportunity to really find out whether this, anybody is going to buy this thing at the end of the day, right?

Now again, I'll go back to what I said right at the beginning, if you're just doing this for fun or is a bit of a side project or to learn something, you don't need to do any of this stuff, right? But if you're trying to build a sustainable business, running a campaign that actually is identifies whether or not your campaign, whether your product is gonna work, is completely worth doing.

And so, I'd encourage you if you're gonna run a test campaign, start off by clearly defining what your call to action is going to be, what success looks like. Is it that pre-order? Is it signing up for a waiting list? What is it then make the hard decisions about price, right?

And if you can't decide how to price it, run multiple landing pages and drive different people at different landing pages and see which one works the best. Then you build your landing pages out, you drive traffic to them. The drive traffic to them is the hard bit, I'll be honest with you there's no way around it is our work, and then you wanna also nurture that audience over time.

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