PHP Basics

Wrapping Up

Maximiliano Firtman
Independent Consultant
PHP Basics

Lesson Description

The "Wrapping Up" Lesson is part of the full, PHP Basics course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Maximiliano concludes the course with a summary of the topics covered and by sharing a few additional resources.


Transcript from the "Wrapping Up" Lesson

>> Maximiliano Firtman: So, just a recap, we are getting into the end. This was just fundamentals of PHP. At this point, you can realize there are much more to see. There are hundreds of functions there. Of course, you won't remember all the functions, but there are lots to talk about.

There are things that we haven't covered, traits that's something new that we have in PHP. Similar to make sense in other languages, you have the ability to create namespaces. That it's not so cool as it sounds, but yeah, you have it anyway. And then a lot of libraries, standard libraries, to do a lot of stuff that is part of that.

But I think that the whole point of this course was to give you the basic idea. So now you can open a PHP file and you can understand what's going on. And also the design patterns of server side rendering with PHP. If you're going to use WordPress, for example, maybe you won't be doing apps like the ones that we did.

But you know how to connect to a database now. You will probably get data, render the data, do something with that. Remember that plugins for WordPress or Joomla needs that. And now you may be ready to check one of the frameworks. I mean, if you want to do Laravel, CodeIgniter.

You have the basics of the language, at least, to just start working on it. So today, we've covered what's PHP, you know what it is. You know that it's not a server, and also it's not creating a server, okay? She has a script that will be executed by a URL, by a web server.

Why PHP? Well, this is an open question, we don't have an answer, okay. But we've seen a couple of options of why PHP is still relevant for learning these days. From adding something new to your curriculum, to finding a job on the topic that is being demanded a lot.

Because there are not so many new developers learning PHP. To managing WordPress, to work with Laravel, or any of these frameworks to cover most of the basic PHP syntax. As I mentioned, there are more things to cover for an advanced training, you can learn on how to pass a.

How to create weak reference values like variables by reference and not by values, the same for arguments. So there are other things to cover, but we've covered the basics. We've seen there are super global variables, just GET and POST, those are the ones that we've covered. SERVER we used, COOKIE, SESSION and others, that in case you are doing server side development with PHP might become useful.

Saw OOP with PHP, again, not a big deal, but we created the class, method, the constructor, we talk about the destructor, properties and so on. Working with Data. We work with JSON, we work literally with collections and with SQL3. Remember that working with MySQL is not so different.

If you already set up your MySQL server, or Postgre, or whatever other database. It's just changing some pieces, but the whole idea is the same. Then you can talk about performance and updating data that is just changing the query with different query and so on. And then some debugging and advanced techniques at the end such as these way to order load file for classes.

That will save your life in every time you create a class, you don't need to create an include for it. That's just one example that you can use. Also, bar dump as a way to do debugging. And remember that using plugins for VS Code, or if you're using PHP Storm, or other IDs that are more PHP focused.

They typically have PHP debugging included. With VS Code, you need to use one of these extensions to use debugging and typically follow some instructions on how to set it up. It's not something that you get immediately. I'm talking about adding breakpoints in VS Code and then executing line by line and so on.

So, that needs It's a tag integration with the engine, so that's why it's not kind of available by default. Well, if you don't have any question, I hope you can start working with PHP and learn. And this is like a trigger to learn more about the language, thank you.

Thank you.
>> Student: Thank you.
>> Students: [APPLAUSE]

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