The Hard Parts of Object Oriented JavaScript

Will Sentance

Will Sentance

4 hours, 30 minutes CC
The Hard Parts of Object Oriented JavaScript

Course Description

Learn the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript for organizing and scaling your code. You'll learn JavaScript’s prototypal design and how it works to enable the new ES6 classes under the hood. Understanding prototypes and classes in JavaScript is crucial for working with most modern frameworks and for those coming from traditional OOP languages.

This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.


Course Details

Published: October 22, 2018

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Table of Contents


Section Duration: 11 minutes

Object Creation

Section Duration: 19 minutes

Prototype & new

Section Duration: 55 minutes

Scope & this

Section Duration: 34 minutes

Default Prototype Chain

Section Duration: 22 minutes

Subclassing with Factory Functions

Section Duration: 52 minutes

Subclassing with new and call

Section Duration: 37 minutes

Subclassing with class, extends & super

Section Duration: 35 minutes


Section Duration: 1 minute
I just finished "The Hard Parts of JavaScript OOP" by Will Sentance on Frontend Masters! I loved how Will tackled JavaScript object issues and offered diverse solutions until reaching the OOP approach, which just prototypes behind the scenes. Highly insightful! 🚀
Azedine Ouhadou

Azedine Ouhadou


Going through Will Sentance's, "The Hard Parts of Object Oriented JavaScript" on Frontend Masters. Gaining an in-depth understanding of how prototypes govern almost everything related to objects under the hood in JavaScript.
Achara Chisom

Achara Chisom


Will Sentance courses on Frontend Masters are the best I've taken. Great use of graphical representations for explaining core basic concepts that we usually don’t understand clearly.
Ricardo Crespo

Ricardo Crespo


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