The Hard Parts of Asynchronous JavaScript

Will Sentance

Will Sentance

4 hours, 46 minutes CC
The Hard Parts of Asynchronous JavaScript

Course Description

In this course, you will develop an intuitive understanding of the new features of JavaScript in ES6+: iterators, generators, promises, and async/await. You'll understand how promises are implemented under-the-hood to truly help fix the challenge of inversion of control in asynchronous code design. Plus, use iterators and generators to master asynchronous control flow. Go under the hood and solve complex async challenges by using the call stack, event loop, callback queue, micro-task queue and browser APIs so that you can navigate complex asynchronous problems, easily!

This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.


Course Details

Published: July 10, 2018

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Table of Contents


Section Duration: 26 minutes

Asynchronous JavaScript

Section Duration: 51 minutes


Section Duration: 59 minutes


Section Duration: 50 minutes


Section Duration: 1 hour, 14 minutes


Section Duration: 23 minutes
I just completed "The Hard Parts of Asynchronous JavaScript" by Will Sentance on Frontend Masters! The sail was smooth till I completed Promises, but iterators and more so Generators, was something difficult to wrap my head around.



Will Sentance courses on Frontend Masters are the best I've taken. Great use of graphical representations for explaining core basic concepts that we usually don’t understand clearly.
Ricardo Crespo

Ricardo Crespo


I just completed "The Hard Parts of Asynchronous JavaScript" by Will Sentance on Frontend Masters! Great mentor makes everything easy. I am making JavaScript as my core programming language.
Sansrit Paudel

Sansrit Paudel


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