Maximiliano Firtman
Independent Consultant
Get a quick introduction to Go. Learn basic syntax like variables, constants, data types, and creating and importing packages. You’ll get hands-on with functions, control structures, error handling, type definitions, structures, and interfaces. Create a webserver which handles API requests and uses Go templates. Finally, see a few advanced topics like goroutines, channels, and async API calls.
This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.
I just finished watching Max Firtman's Basics of Go course on Frontend Masters. It's one of the best, full of easy-to-understand examples, helpful tips, and best practices! It was my first interaction with Go and I can't wait to dive deeper into the waters of Go! Thank You!
Samuel Hovančák
"Go fundamentals" by Max Firtman on Frontend Masters was the best Go course. Gave me a strong foundation and then went on to build stuff on my own.
Vinayak Goyal
"Basics of Go" by Max Firtman on Frontend Masters closed gaps in my understanding and knowledge of Golang, especially with go routines and channels. Now I have a decent understanding to learn further and build on top of this.
Vinayak Goyal