Use Go to build and deploy scalable applications to AWS. Start by reviewing the fundamentals of the Go programming language. Then, use the AWS CDK to create and deploy your infrastructure from the command line. You’ll gain experience with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway. Code a scalable end-to-end login and authentication API in Go!
This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.
The Go with AWS course has a great cadence, and the tutor is knowledgeable and engaging. I often find myself switching off when watching video tutorials, but this course has been quite enjoyable. Keep up the great work.
Elliott G.
Elliott G.
Just finished the Building Go Apps that Scale on AWS course yesterday, learned a ton! Definitely worth watching!
Ben Hilger
Just finished this incredible course on building Go services with AWS on Frontend Masters, taught by the awesome Melkey.
I learned how to:
- Deploy Go services on AWS: infrastructure as code with #CDK made it smooth and efficient.
- Build backend logic: created 3 endpoints and a middleware using Go.
- Integrate 5 key AWS services: Lambda, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, ApiGateway, and CloudFormation.
If you're a dev looking to expand your horizons, I highly recommend checking it out.
Luca Di Gianventura
Front End Developer @Accenture