Git In-depth

Continuous Integration

Git In-depth

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The "Continuous Integration" Lesson is part of the full, Git In-depth course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Nina talks about continuous integration, which involves merging smaller commits more frequently allowing new features to be released quicker.

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Transcript from the "Continuous Integration" Lesson

>> Nina Zakharenko: I very briefly wanna touch upon the idea of continuous integration. And that's merging commits, when you merge commits frequently instead of waiting for a project that's done to do one big merge you have the advantage of being able to release features quicker. Continuous integration works well when there are lots of tests that ensure that new commits didn't break the build.

You can even have a step as part of your continuous integration process where a deploy happens automatically after you merge or commit. Travis CI is a really cool tool that integrates with GitHub, it's free for open source projects. It's easy to specify what commands you need to run tests.

And you can set it up to run tests automatically on branches or poll requests. And setting up is really easy, you go to Travis CI, you add Travis.yaml, file which is a configuration file. And then all you have to do is push to trigger builds. So, for example, if I wanted to have a repository where I ran tests before accepting a pull request, I can do that with Travis.

And it'll show me this information here, if your pull request introduce a failing test it'll say, All checks have failed, and I know that you're trying to submit bad code. We can also use the interface to look at build results, and display the build status of our project in case you've seen this while navigating GitHub.

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