Check out a free preview of the full Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3 course

The "Wrapping Up" Lesson is part of the full, Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Jerome wraps up the course by sharing a few additional resources and giving some final advice for better preparing yourself for the job search.


Transcript from the "Wrapping Up" Lesson

>> Jerome Hardaway: Congratulations you all, thank you all for sticking with me. I know it's been a long day, I know I've talked a lot. We've covered over a lot of stuff. We're gonna have these slides out for you. We're going to do a lot of this. I'm gonna make sure there's a lot of coursework added to this as well, with Mark and crew, so that way we're making sure this is strong, and I also had those templates out for the resumes.

Now, be careful, check those resume templates. Every quarter I will be updating that resume template. Every quarter, when I update my resume is when these resume templates will get updated. So the resume template that you saw today, that is maze resume template. Our divestment happened today, and that resume is the official one from what we've learned this month for today.

So that information is fresh as of at least a week ago.
>> Jerome Hardaway: So, a matrix to plan your journey, all the things we've gone over. Matrix to plan your journey, data-driven resume enriched with relevant keywords. GitHub and LinkedIn profile pages that showcase you and your skills. Networking strategies for whatever you are in the stack of being in software.

And your focused interview preparation tactics.
>> Jerome Hardaway: My advice for you is, getting your feet wet, refine your skills, and we'll stay connected with the work I do. Support vets who code, make a donation, if not, always contribute by mentoring, especially if you're within two years. Please go ahead and sign up our first larger program.

Follow me on social media and it's where I hashtag shot, where you get cooler heads like this and support troops. But yeah, let's continue to grow together. Find me on LinkedIn, that's for people at home, people here, find me on LinkedIn, connect with me. If you have questions, don't hesitate to slide into my DMs.

Please don't, I mean, people are always sliding in my DM, so give me some time, right? But just to be clear, give clarity on what you're looking for, so that way I can help you in the most expeditious manner, right? So if you need to help me meet or do a resume review, GitHub review, ask for a look at your portfolio, anything, don't hesitate to ask.

All right, and that's a wrap.

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