Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3

LinkedIn Projects, Recommendations, & AI

Jerome Hardaway

Jerome Hardaway

Vets Who Code
Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3

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The "LinkedIn Projects, Recommendations, & AI" Lesson is part of the full, Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Jerome wraps up LinkedIn profile strategies by demonstrating how projects and recommendations can add additional value to a profile. Procuring recommendations from colleagues or other connections in the industry can help build a story about your passions and the value you can add to a company.


Transcript from the "LinkedIn Projects, Recommendations, & AI" Lesson

>> Jerome Hardaway: Projects, I have one project up here, Vets Who code, because I had so many other things that I was moving from projects. I haven't finished this for myself yet, but this is where you put your most robust projects at. As you see, I've have the projects of Vets Who code.

I have all the skills and have to have the web app. Pops up right here in a window. I go, there, I go previous, web-dev-guide. I can view it right here.
>> Jerome Hardaway: People see it, 233 stars. I didn't even write this. My name is not on this at all.

This is one of my troops. I think one of them added it and I got added on my LinkedIn, which is super cool because as you see, I can add contributors to this. So I think someone added me as a contributor and that's how it ended up on my LinkedIn.

So you can definitely add projects and things to your LinkedIn and also add contributors as part of your skill set. Volunteering, definitely volunteer. Volunteer not only just for your job, but also externally you'll see how great, you can definitely help with your skills. I volunteer all the time and it really helps me build my network.

For those of you who are looking for networks, building your network through volunteering is one of the core things. Building a network through LinkedIn is a core thing as well, so always volunteer. Skills section right here. It showcases the skills and showcases the endorsements of each skill, right?

Responsible AI where I use it and my endorsements run. Data processing where I use it, the endorsement. You can show, right now, I have 58 skills on here. And not only does it showcase where I use this skill at, it also showcases the endorsements based upon it. So that is another thing you do like.

This is one of those things where you should get your comrades and your friends, right? Okay, let me endorse you for this especially if it's something that you really want your job for. You want that higher ranking, or you wanna have multiple endorsements for that. So keep doing that and get on to these endorsements.

Ironically, I have eight endorsements for WordPress. I think I haven't used WordPress in five years. It's kinda weird. And there's this part that is very neglected. This part is very neglected. Very important, but very neglected at the same time. Your recommendations, get people like mentors, get colleagues, get team members, get people who you work with to recommend you on LinkedIn.

You be amazed how many people come here and you're like, these people are saying, well, yeah, this person says something good about you on LinkedIn, and I know this person in real life. So I want to talk to you more. This people see this and they're like, okay, this helps build that story of you right?

Which we talked about earlier, the total person concept. You want these recommendations as they help tell that story more clear of what you are, what you do, the things that your passionate about, how it is working with you. And give recommendations, and don't wait to get to the point of recommending of where you ask somebody like, yeah, I'll give you one too.

Don't do that. Of course, we talked about that on resumes. Honoring awards. Like I said, what I did for my resume, I cleaned up my LinkedIn first, and then I profiled, and then I took my honors and awards, put it on my resume. We'll put your honors and rewards.

Now, with honors and rewards on LinkedIn, I treat it differently than honors and rewards on my resume. I put anything community, anything that looks good for social impact, all that stuff on my LinkedIn, as opposed to on my resume, because on LinkedIn it looks good showcase that you're doing good community.

If you notice, every company has a social impact angle. So seeing that you're participating in those social impact angles that helps when it comes to jobs, that helps when it comes to like, are you a team player, right? That's what they wanna know. That's what it shows, right?

So when I'm showing, yeah, I'm a member of these communities. I've been in Twilio, I've been in Google, I've been in GitHub, I've been a member of these communities. I've been there, I've been considered a high level member in that. I'm doing work in that. I was asked to join the Forbes black community where you're doing great things for minorities and communities.

Please help, sure, cool. That's what you always want to showcase. Languages, and of course, interest. Interest doesn't have a lot of impact. You can go ahead and forgo that. I pick interest just because it helps flesh it out more, but it showcases the voices you listen to, Microsoft, the companies, the groups you're in, newsletters, schools.

Now, what really helps with this that you can leverage is when you're on the networking side, you go somebody's interest, and you see what they're interested in. And that's where you start a conversation. Let's say, for instance, I'm going to a meet up. And I know Mark's gonna be there meet up, right?

I'm gonna go to Mark's LinkedIn looked at his interest. And then when I see Mark, I'm not gonna talk to Mark about code at all for the first 15 minutes. I'm gonna talk to Mark about stuff that I've seen an interest. There's absolutely nothing to do a code that either picked up from his LinkedIn or picked her on her Twitter.

I was to meet Mark in real life for the first time. First 15 to 20 minutes, I will be asking him about gymnastics and what has inspired him to start so late in life to do this sport. And I wouldn't let him make me feel bad about, being almost 40.

And he's almost 40, when he's doing backflips and I'm sitting here, like getting out of breath chasing a two year old, right? That is what I would do before I transition into talking about code and showcasing how knowledgeable I am at coding and building that professional repertoire. Now that I've humanized myself because, that's what part of networking is, we're gonna get more into that where we're humanizing ourselves.

Then we're getting into the professional I've leveraged interest to be able to see what do we have interested with each other? And then finally causes, right? You put the causes that you care about. They have all the causes linked and you can just click one or three as I did.

There's a lot of AI components on here as well, as you saw earlier. I come here, if I don't like it, I can have LinkedIn write it.
>> Jerome Hardaway: I can revert it because I don't like that. I can show the skills I have right here and I could do that throughout the entire scope of this app.

If you go Here to LinkedIn Premium features shows you the writing assistant, you do the custom button, AI message drafts, you get top unchoiced jobs. All these things are now coming in within LinkedIn. So if you get the opportunity to use the LinkedIn premium, you should definitely go for it, right?

So I highly recommend LinkedIn premium to anyone right now. Especially this tight market, leverage everything, right? There's no such thing as anything off limits right? So, we've talked about a profile picture. We talked about compelling professional headline, engaging about summary, utilize the feature section, detailed descriptions and experience, education and specialized trainings.

They are license and certifications, regularly updated skills and endorsements. Requests and showcase recommendations, accomplishments and reflecting your professional interests. And we also talked about the AI features on LinkedIn with this insights. They have LinkedIn learning as a job coach now and as personalized career guidance based upon the things you're doing on LinkedIn.

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