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The "GitHub Bio" Lesson is part of the full, Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Jerome walks through the options in a GitHub bio. Developers should use a professional image and a GitHub username that's easy for potential employers to recognize, like a first and last name.


Transcript from the "GitHub Bio" Lesson

>> Jerome Hardaway: So we're gonna move on to the crafting of your profile README and your profile in general. So, we're gonna select a professional profile picture. Who all has a name on their GitHub that doesn't make any sense? And then, is your name, are you at Jerome Hardaway like I am, is it plain?

Or are you like at Apex Fire or at Superhero 72 or some crap like that? Please, we're gonna start there. If you have time today, make a repo, make a GitHub that has like your plane name or change your name so that people can actually recognize you. If you're gonna be using this for getting jobs, you gotta be, you wouldn't use email like giants fan 72 or something like that for on your resume, don't do that.

If you are gonna do that, don't do that, treat the email rule and the GitHub rule is the same. Post compelling bio, If you saw my last chorus, we were very much about how to do the process of making sure that you had a elevator pitch or a brand document of yourself, right?

So we're gonna go a little bit into that, but we're not gonna touch that as much because that was on the last course. You should definitely know by now, if you're a fan of me, you know that I'm very much about brand document, and knowing how to sell and market yourself having your Bragg docs.

And having a database of everything you need to be able to quickly go where you are. I still have the brand notion, the brand doc database, example that if you need it, I'll definitely throw it out there for you, but you should definitely always, this is your career, you have to start.

One of the things that I talk about in my courses and my work is you have to, especially in this current climate. You have to start being counter-offensive and even on the offense when you're in this in this type of market, right? You can't be the era of just being, just chill and whatever happens in your career is not happening in your career.

It's over, it's dead, you gotta plan it, you gotta be offensive, you gotta be counteroffensive. You gotta be thinking one or three moves ahead, you gotta be thinking not like an employee, but like an employee partner with the company that you're with. You're an employee and you're a partner, and you know that your relationship with this partner, why you might love these people is essentially value-based.

And you have to keep that at at top of mind all the time that this is a value-based relationship, right? And you have to treat it as such, and you have to continue to build your own value, invest in your own value, invest in yourself. Use company resources, they are offer that to invest in yourself, but you have to keep that process going, right?

So that is what I hopefully, we're on V3. If you have seen V1, V2, I am very big and you have to be counter offensive with this type of work, right? Here are my rules for your bio pick people are like, do I have to have a picture?

Yes, you need a picture of you, please, no weird stuff. I know everybody loves, everybody wants to have fun on GitHub and you could do that 10 years ago, right? You could have a picture of Sonic as your GitHub profile, [LAUGH], and people would still hire you. You can't do that anymore, tech has grown up, I'm sorry.

The days of, Mark Zuckerberg running around calling himself, I'm CEO on his business cards. You see him, he's dripped out with a chain trying to get Gen Z to come back to Facebook, right? It's a different world, we have to be, we have to adapt with it. If Zuc can get drip, you can put your professional bio, like your professional photo, on your GitHub, right?

That's how we're gonna look at it. Zuckerberg, level up his dressing game, we have to level up our profile game. So, with your professional pitcher, do choose a our professional photo suits tech industry, nice shirt, solid color, maybe if you have a brand like me, I break the rule.

I still know regular shirt and stuff, but I have the whole Captain America of code thing. So people recognize me for that. So I can break the mode, I can have, me with a shield and a profile ticket etc, which is still at almost 40, is wild, I migh retire to shield.

I'm lying, don't worry about it. But yeah, nice image. You can have it, like, in COVID, we were experimenting with a lot of having it drawn avatars, having professionals like David Neil. He's a great person for it, right? He would make people's avatars and he would draw them and it was professional grade and people would use that Esther profile pic and people loved it.

And I have on my GitHub page, I use a from Covatar where they make donations to nonprofits. If you, and they'll draw your avatar. I use one of them as my profile pic for like a year and it worked. Still amazing bio, but that's what I want you to do, so pick a decent image by our own tips.

We're gonna learn how to craft by others not only informative but engaging we go off that basis, upon our resume, as well. It's really good to do that for, have a uniform, a format of everything you want the same information, the same keywords everywhere, right? And contact information safety, right?

A lot of people, they put a lot of their information out here and you're wondering why you get all these weird spam emails, like, okay, well, this is why, right? So, that's what we're gonna focus on. Here is my profile, I used to have a lot of fancy things on it, but I have cleaned it up to for this current market, right?

So, as you see, I have, nice black and white, I am smiling cuz all the other pictures I'm scowling and I know I scout so much so I'll take your picture of me [LAUGH] smiling. So I do that, I have my name, as I said, Jerome Hardaway, nice and plain.

It also goes well with my URL, right? I have a nice clean URL image, URL and image goes with me. I have how would I like to do I like to focus on for me code. I focus on initiatives to help veterans while learning how I can encode, right?

And I just go through everything in your profile. Now, I have my old location, time it is that location, my email right here, some people mask their email. This is the only email I share on here just for resumes and stuff cuz that's only when it goes there.

My website and my LinkedIn, you go to edit profile, you can edit all of these right here. Directly you don't have to go anywhere else. And you can also add more links to a social profile right here. I only really use LinkedIn because I focus on work. So, Linkedin is where work happens.

So that for me, my two big booze is LinkedIn, GitHub. I talked a little bit on Twitter, but I prefer LinkedIn and GitHub because how I just find the crowds nicer and it's more focused on the things I enjoy talking about, which is the craft at work.

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