Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3

Create a GitHub Project Board

Jerome Hardaway

Jerome Hardaway

Vets Who Code
Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3

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The "Create a GitHub Project Board" Lesson is part of the full, Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Jerome introduces GitHub Project Boards and explains how they can help document and showcase progress with learning goals, personal projects, or other career-related tasks. An example project is provided, and students are instructed to duplicate the project and practice adding issues.


Transcript from the "Create a GitHub Project Board" Lesson

>> Jerome Hardaway: We're gonna start getting into the GitHub portion of things, and we are gonna get into what I view the most underused feature on GitHub, which is the GitHub Projects Board. This is a military statement. You failed a plan, plan failed, that's what Project Voice is about. It's about building out your plan, I go there and I'm starting to build out tickets and gonna process of how do I plan my questions?

How do I plan my career? How do I plan my learning? Everything, this is something that is, that you can make public and you can showcase via GitHub profiles, via your website, anything in real time, and show your growth.
>> Jerome Hardaway: So we're gonna focus on understanding it, send up our board, documentation and visibility, analytics and storytelling, and best practices.

Like I said, this is about showcasing your work ethic, right? Especially for the juniors out there who are like, how do I show what I'm learning? All right, so now we're into user two, user three, showcasing, not only we know we're doing, but we're keeping growth, right? Or even if you're mid or senior, right, we wanna showcase how I'm growing, how I'm learning.

People always have that question, especially at Microsoft, who we have that learn it all philosophy, right? So you're always talking about, all right, you wanna be a learn it all. How do you upskill, how do you learn something new, right? Well, this helps with you showcasing that framework, how I learned something new.

Let's go here. Let's go to the project board and showcase what's on my list of things to do and showcase my volume of what I've done and how I learned it, right? Does this tool come with a free GitHub account? Yes, it does, it is free.
>> Jerome Hardaway: Let me go, profile is right here.

And this tab right here projects, your overview your repositories, projects, packages, stars and what you're sponsoring. It's right there in the middle. You're right here, it says I have six closed. These are the six ones, portfolio board, bunch of play ones that I've been practicing with. But let's go to the one that I want you all to use.

This is a template, you can take this template, share it. This is the one that I recommend you every junior starts off with, this is how I do my death persona questions for user zero. And from user zero, I can help you build out anything and get you a job.

From user zero, I know what projects I can help you build with, how to start mapping out your portfolio. How to start with your resume, with these dev persona questions, 17 questions that I ask everybody. And then I go from there and we start building out the plan.

Your objective is modify and adapt this project board to better fit your specific, like goals. This first project is you. So I have 17 questions on there at three things that you would like your mentor to ask you to the project board, right?
>> Student 1: Is this considered public or is there a way to, while you're in progress and you're maybe not really proud of what you're doing yet because of process-.

>> Jerome Hardaway: Yes, it starts private.
>> Student 1: Okay.
>> Jerome Hardaway: And you can make public.
>> Student 1: Okay.
>> Jerome Hardaway: I always recommend, while I recommend building in public I was you know building in public when you're ready is also a very important thing. Especially, you don't wanna mess around and I don't know put some like PII out there or something like that right?

>> Student 1: Yeah, and also just want to make feel free to make mistakes.
>> Jerome Hardaway: Of course, but mistakes are, people hate on making mistakes and you should absolutely make mistakes probably when it comes to code cuz that helps you, that shows growth, right? So, adventure time said it best, the first step of being kind of good at something's being bad at something, right?

So, Jake taught us all that. Yes, sir.
>> Student 2: You recommend going through this with a mentor, right?
>> Jerome Hardaway: Yeah, so the mentor add them as a collaborator if you wanna go through it. But right now, I want to see you add three tickets to it. So go to the Issues component, add three tickets, or just add one, and then we'll ask you.

We'll see how you can fit through it. So, what I'm saying, what I'm referring to, go here, after you make it your own, add an item, and add, let's say if it's me to,
>> Jerome Hardaway: If I was brand new, that would be the first question, that would be one of the questions I want someone to ask me, right?

Is adding that ticket not come here?
>> Jerome Hardaway: Edit,
>> Jerome Hardaway: Description.
>> Jerome Hardaway: As a veteran, I would like to know how to apply my military service as a part of my resume and my job search.
>> Jerome Hardaway: Criteria,
>> Jerome Hardaway: Showcase my work should guess my work ethic while not impacting any of the mission oriented,
>> Jerome Hardaway: Not get in trouble with the government.

That was like the number one thing when I was coming out that I was terrified of cuz I still had IRR and I was like, I don't wanna mess up my secret. My secret clearance and accidentally say something I'm not supposed to say, so, priority
>> Jerome Hardaway: Can't spell,
>> Jerome Hardaway: High update and there we go, I added my first ticket.

So that's what I'm, after you all get the template, add your first, add a ticket.
>> Jerome Hardaway: We've already identified our auditation needs. We're reflecting on the structure and content of how that template allies with our own projects and goals. Good job on making one for your project as well.

That I'm not gonna bug you on your personal project cuz it's like a mech app and I'm like you don't want me going through your code doc. I'm not a fun person going through your code and altering those automation rules. And I think you should do that play with that, play with the GitHub projects.

I liked seeing people make their own because you wanna be able to see what works for you, what's gonna show your volume, especially when it comes to the insights and that graph. That graph is when you're talking about interviewing one, I've had an interview this year just informational and I was showing them like my volume and graph cuz I do so much work on that sue code.

They're like okay, you're building this ticket, you're dealing things with AI, things are JavaScript, doing things Python, you're all over the place and you're constantly learning. You're already on LLM compression and we don't even know what that is yet, right? So that is what you wanna be able to show that just in the tickets without even showing code, what you're working on, it tells a great story when you're in those interview processes.

And I've had two informationals turn to full scale interviews and then turn into offer letters this year just for me personally that I've turned out, so I know, some of this stuff. This stuff works, you can absolutely use project boards to get a job and get into the get into the final rounds.

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