Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3

Jerome Hardaway

Jerome Hardaway

Vets Who Code
2 hours, 58 minutes CC
Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3

Course Description

Stand out from the crowd by following this career guide from Jerome, who's helped 300+ developers get jobs! Learn resume optimization techniques to highlight your most significant technical experience and achievements. Build an impressive GitHub profile, use LinkedIn effectively, and network to learn of new opportunities. Land your dream software engineering job!

This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.


Course Details

Published: July 16, 2024

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Table of Contents


Section Duration: 20 minutes
  • Introduction
    Jerome Hardaway begins the course by sharing his experience helping veterans find software engineering jobs. The current market conditions and role of AI in the hiring process is also discussed.
  • Hiring Process & The Four Gatekeepers
    Jerome discusses the gatekeepers in the hiring process and how to fit into a user matrix. The gatekeepers include application tracking systems, HR managers, and Developer Teams. Understanding these users helps applicants improve how they present themselves and their work during the interview process.

Data-Driven Resume Building

Section Duration: 32 minutes

Building a Career-Ready GitHub Profile

Section Duration: 51 minutes
  • Create a GitHub Project Board
    Jerome introduces GitHub Project Boards and explains how they can help document and showcase progress with learning goals, personal projects, or other career-related tasks. An example project is provided, and students are instructed to duplicate the project and practice adding issues.
  • Finding a Mentor
    Jerome spends a few minutes sharing recommendations when searching for a mentor. A mentor can help provide career guidance and advice. It's helpful if a mentor has about two years more experience than you so they represent the next stage of your career.
  • GitHub Bio
    Jerome walks through the options in a GitHub bio. Developers should use a professional image and a GitHub username that's easy for potential employers to recognize, like a first and last name.
  • GitHub Profile README
    Jerome explains how to create a GitHub Profile README. You start by creating a repository that matches your GitHub username. Add a file to that repository and it will be displayed on your GitHub profile.
  • Curating GitHub Repos
    Jerome discusses the importance of including pinned repositories to highlight key projects or demonstrate a work ethic. Pinned repositories give potential employers easy access to code examples, insight into the tech stacks you work with, and display your history working on the projects.
  • GitHub Repo READMEs
    Jerome stresses the importance of README files in a repository. They should be clearly written and contain effective project descriptions, visual aids, and straightforward installation/usage instructions.
  • GitHub Pages
    Jerome demonstrates how GitHub Pages can be used to make any repository a static website. Creating a repository with your will automatically use GitHub pages. If you want to deploy a different repository, use the Pages option in the settings to deploy the content.

Energize Your LinkedIn Profile

Section Duration: 30 minutes
  • LinkedIn Profile & Bio
    Jerome walks through a LinkedIn profile and highlights the features and customizations that help make candidates more visible to prospective employers. Several profile areas can be customized to add personalizations that showcase writing skills and other external resources. LinkedIn has an AI assistant built into several form fields to suggest ideas and alternate content.
  • LinkedIn Activities & Experience
    Jerome discusses the importance of including detailed descriptions in the experience section of your LinkedIn profile. Each position should highlight not only the skills used but also how you added value. Metrics or practical measurements of the value added can also be a key differentiator.
  • LinkedIn Projects, Recommendations, & AI
    Jerome wraps up LinkedIn profile strategies by demonstrating how projects and recommendations can add additional value to a profile. Procuring recommendations from colleagues or other connections in the industry can help build a story about your passions and the value you can add to a company.

Networking Strategies

Section Duration: 18 minutes
  • Networking for Junior Devs
    Jerome recommends junior developers network by asking for feedback on projects, iterating based on that feedback, and keeping anyone who's provided feedback up-to-date on the work. This creates a productive feedback loop and demonstrates to mentors and other industry connections the value of their input.
  • Networking for Mid & Senior Devs
    Jerome shares networking advice with developers who have more experience. Leveraging existing connections and transitioning to a more product-based networking approach creates higher-quality relationships in the industry.
  • Keys to Effective Networking
    Jerome stresses that effective networking means you are consistently adding value. He also summarizes other key networking aspects, including junior developers creating a continuous product feedback loop and mid/senior developers leveraging existing connections.

Preparing for Technical Interviews

Section Duration: 22 minutes
  • How to Prepare for Interviews
    Jerome describes how to prepare for technical interviews. A foundation in computer science fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms helps prepare you for coding challenges. Employers also want developers who can clearly communicate their thought processes. Developing a study plan will help establish a learning regime.
  • Mock Interviews
    Jerome recommends using mock interviews as a way to practice real-world interview scenarios. An advantage of mock interviews is getting feedback from the interviewer. That feedback will help improve your skills and increase your consistency.

Wrapping Up

Section Duration: 2 minutes

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