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The "Shell Solution" Lesson is part of the full, Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:
Jem walks through the solution to the shell exercise.
Transcript from the "Shell Solution" Lesson
>> All right, welcome back how was that exercise? Maybe we're starting to go into places you haven't seen before, which is good and that's the whole point of this course slowly build up these kind of new areas, so that you'll feel a little bit more comfortable next time it comes around.
And you'll be aware of what's possible. So let's go ahead, and I'll walk through how to do the exercise. So I'm going to go back to my terminal in item, gonna type clear, gonna cd back to my root. I don't really need to for this case, but so I need to open my shell configuration.
And which shell am I using? So I'm gonna say echo dollar sign which tells me my currently running process. So that tells me I'm using zsh remember the earlier slides the zsh is located in the dot zsh rc file. So I'm gonna say vi -/.zs which one was it?
Lemme tab complete, mm-hm there we go, tab complete it's amazing. It's like one of the most best of modern conveniences, I put it up there sliced bread. But I don't really have a lot going on these days. I'm kidding, I'm kidding [LAUGH] so, now we're in our zsh file.
And you see a lot of things that are kind of a little strange. You're like, where'd all this stuff come from? Yours may look different from mine. It depends on the state of your computer, the things you installed I use something called my zsh a very, very popular way of a default installation for zsh, it allows you to configure it adds color and does everything by default.
I have not touched too much of it, so yours may look a little different. And you may have some git plugins, things like that. But this exercise I just wanna say, make my shell tell me good morning. So, what's the command to do that? We said echo, actually lots of space here.
So we say echo, and I can say good morning. I'm gonna use one of those reserved words, we're gonna say good morning user. That should say good morning to me. So I'm gonna do this the lazy way, I'm just gonna open a new tab and see if this works.
And there it goes. So every time I open a new terminal, I can make it say, good morning to me. And I know this is a simplistic example, but think of all the possibilities you can do when you say every time I open a new terminal I want my shell to do this for me.
I wanted to check my mail, I don't know see the status, see the weather. I wanted to see all the open PRs, you can make it do a lot of things by default. So there's a lot of power and configuring your terminal, your cell to do kind of what you want.
We won't go very deep into that, I just want to make you aware that it is possible and it's pretty fantastic. If you do wanna go deeper, there's an entire course on this on front of the masters. There's a meme I'm building here, there's almost always a course on front of the masters for anything you wanna learn.
This one is by SubSack, it's on Bash, Vim, Regex. There's also one by Brian Holt, which I will link in a future slides. And there's a link on the side to that terminal configuration, it's called my zsh, which is a great, it's just a great name all around, I highly recommend it.
The defaults are quite good.
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