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The "Git Exercise" Lesson is part of the full, Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Students are instructed to create a git repository, create an SSH key called gh_key, add the SSH key to GitHub, add the remote repo, ensure the new SSH key is used, and push the local repo to Github.

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Transcript from the "Git Exercise" Lesson

>> So now we're done. We're done for this particular section. You got very far. If you stopped now and said, I'm done with the course, Jim, your beard is magnificent, but I just can't take any more. That's fine. You have more than enough to be a full stack engineer at this point.

What we've done today is we've purchased domain, we've purchased server, we've tied them together and we've hand created all these things on our own. Where you're now ready to go off and create something, a standard application that you know and love. So for our take home project, because you've all done git, I want you to create a git repository, which we've already done with git init.

And I want you to create, sorry, I want you to do this on GitHub. Create a Git repo on GitHub. Add your SSH key called GitHub key. Or you can use the SSH key you've already used before, totally up to you. We wanna add that SSH key to GitHub, which you know how to do, copy and pasting the public key just like you did with DigitalOcean.

Add a remote repo, there are steps all linked in here, and share the new SSH keys being used or your old one. And then I want you to push your local repo to GitHub from your server. But this you can do offline, this is nothing particularly full stack.

But we want this to ensure that we can do local development on our machine, so we don't have to use VI for everything if we don't want to. So now by creating a Git repo, we're piping it back into a central location. Then I can push changes and then I can pull them into my server, and that way I can edit code and create a development environment that's not necessarily working on the server the whole time.

So that's the homework. Nothing too complex here, but you'll run in some nuances in Git, you get to configure it and all that stuff. Man, are you tired? I'm a little tired. We covered so many topics that require probably years of expertise to know, but we now know just enough to be dangerous.

We understand how the Internet works. We understand domain name systems, registrars. We understand TCP, IP, UDP, ICNP, all these phrases that if I asked you this morning what they mean, you'd be like, you're just making that up. But now you understand this connected system of networks, puts it all together and it's all built on these processes and these configurations that if we standardize them, and we follow the path, we can create literally any application.

We're gonna have some fun. Even more fun than this. I had a lot of fun, hopefully you did too. For the next section, we're gonna create a subdomain. We're gonna create a database. We're gonna link the database to our application. We're gonna create a fake CI/CD pipeline. And I'll explain what CI/CD is, pretty important in today's modern computing environments.

Man, what are all the things we're gonna cover tomorrow? We're gonna get to, it'll be a lot more tactical. We're gonna explain firewalls. I'm gonna go much deeper in security. You thought I spent some time on security today. Just wait. We're gonna talk more into permissions which I kind of glossed over a bit.

Checking all the things. We're gonna set up a cron job before the cron, probably super powerful tool. You can do a lot with a cron job and some shell scripts, and we're gonna do that tomorrow. I'll show you really basic things that are really, really powerful tools. I wanna go to all stuff we're gonna cover.

We're gonna have a lot of fun tomorrow. It's gonna be tactical. We're gonna move probably a bit faster than today, since you already have a good baseline. So, bring your Red Bull, bring your energy, and bring your sense of adventure, because we are gonna dive in.

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