Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3

Jem Young
8 hours, 12 minutes CC
Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3

Course Description

Learn what it means to become a full-stack engineer. Get hands-on with setting up your own server to build and deploy web applications from scratch. You’ll dive deep into servers, work with the command line, understand networking and security, set up continuous integration and deployment, manage databases, and build containers. Become a well-rounded engineer and gain the confidence that you can build any type of application!

This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.


What They're Saying

I just completed "Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3" by Jem Young on FrontendMasters! One of my favorite courses so far, definitely recommend.
Fullstack for Front-Ends course by Jem Young on Frontend Masters goes through things in a very clear way. I feel like if the basics, enough to safely host a static site without your box getting immediately pwned, would be so valuable to learn super early on. Not just when you want to go fullstack.
Samuel J. Cook
Samuel J. Cook
I just finished the Fullstack for Front-End Engineers, v3 course on FrontendMasters by Jem Young and I highly recommend it for any frontend engineers looking to dive more into the realm of backend development. Jem does a fantastic job of explaining everything is great detail, even down to each flag of each command. Great stuff!
Hunter Wiginton
Hunter Wiginton

Course Details

Published: April 18, 2023

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Table of Contents


Section Duration: 21 minutes
  • Introduction
    Jem introduces this course by sharing personal and professional background, course prerequisites, and social media handles. Modern computing, the concept of full stack engineering, and a brief overview of the course content are also discussed in this segment.
  • What is a Full Stack Engineer
    Jem asks the workshop audience for their definitions of a full stack engineer and discusses what a tech stack is. Examples of some popular tech stacks and Jem's definition of a full stack engineer are also provided in this lesson.

Command Line

Section Duration: 30 minutes


Section Duration: 34 minutes
  • Servers
    Jem discusses a server as a computer that responds to a request and why servers are usually on dedicated hardware. The code to create a basic Node.js server is also provided in this segment.
  • Create a Simple Node.js Server
    Jem walks through creating a simple server using Node.js and demonstrates some helpful tools, including nvm and homebrew. A brief discussion regarding ports, localhost, and reserved IP addresses is also covered in this segment.
  • Server Management
    Jem discusses the limitations of local server hosting, server management, data centers, cloud computing, and virtualization. Most modern systems utilize cloud hosting providers instead of putting resources into managing servers in their own data centers.
  • Buying a VPS
    Jem walks through how to buy and set up a VPS on Digital Ocean. This segment also covers how to choose a region and the importance of choosing an operating system with long-term support.

Operating Systems

Section Duration: 55 minutes
  • Operating Systems
    Jem discusses Windows and Unix-based operating systems and the multiple types of unix subsystems. The different layers of an operating system, including hardware, kernel, shell, and user, are also briefly discussed in this segment.
  • Security & Hashing
    Jem discusses server authentication, possible problems with usernames and passwords, and ssh keys. Dictionary attacks, MD5 hashing, the command line tool OpenSSL, and a brief discussion regarding Awk are also covered in this segment.
  • Hashing with Salt
    Jem demonstrates hashing with SHA256 and discusses increasing password security further by adding salt to introduce randomness into the hashing function. A student's question regarding the advantages of SHA1 over MD5, where the salt comes from, and what hash Bcrypt uses are also covered in this segment.
  • Setup SSH Keys for Login
    Jem discusses SSH keys which consist of a sharable public key and a private key, and walks through how to create an SSH key. Adding an SSH key to the Digital Ocean droplet and the commands needed to login to the server are also covered in this segment.
  • SSH Key Recap
    Jem quickly reviews creating an SSH key and logging into a server with that key. Modifying the SSH config to define the identity file automatically and adding the private key to keychain are also covered in this segment.

The Internet

Section Duration: 1 hour, 25 minutes

Application Setup

Section Duration: 35 minutes


Section Duration: 16 minutes


Section Duration: 23 minutes

Continuous Integration & Deployment

Section Duration: 50 minutes

Realtime & Databases

Section Duration: 1 hour, 35 minutes


Section Duration: 36 minutes

Wrapping Up

Section Duration: 6 minutes
  • Wrapping Up
    Jem wraps up the course by answering student questions, including what cores are, if it's valid to install nvm in the droplet, Netflix recommendations, security measures in the docker container, and if a container can be made locally and pulled in via GitHub. Recommendations for next steps and a brief overview of what was covered in the course are also provided in this lesson.

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