CSS Foundations

Getting Started with CSS Q&A

CSS Foundations

Lesson Description

The "Getting Started with CSS Q&A" Lesson is part of the full, CSS Foundations course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Emma answers student questions regarding tips for successfully learning CSS, design resources, and opinions on starting with SASS or LESS for small sites.


Transcript from the "Getting Started with CSS Q&A" Lesson

>> If this feels fast for you, that's totally normal. I would encourage to re-watch it and try to do these things first, and then watch how I do it. I know this is a little bit hard in real time, but the more you practice, the easier it gets, I promise.

>> There's some back chatter about somebody is newer to the industry, and they're trying to figure out how much do I read about all the latest techniques versus looking at obviously they're here learning the fundamentals. And yeah, in general I just said it's fine to be watching videos like this and reading as long as you're balancing it out with actually coding.

Because you have to put your hands on this stuff and build things. Otherwise, you don't know that you actually know it even though you might know about it.
>> Yeah, it's all about deductive reasoning, right? To be able to learn something, the theory of something and then extrapolate that into being able to solve a different kind of problem you've never seen.

So I'd recommend also like look at some more simple websites and read the code for that. And if you see something you aren't sure how, like what it means, what it does, go for it, Google it. And then there's a really cool website called Dribbble, where designers can go post mock-ups for things and designs for things.

So if you want to do like landing page. It's gonna make me sign in I think, okay. Let's say you find a random landing page, right? Take one of these designs and see if you can code it. How would you start, right?
>> What did you call that, the site?

>> It's called Dribbble. It has one, two, three bs, Dribbble with three bs.
>> I'm sorry, what was that site you mentioned that was good for designing besides Figma, you said it was interactive?
>> Framer X
>> Or Framer, I guess it's called now. So design and ship your dream site, zero code.

They're doing a lot of stuff. Admittedly, I haven't looked at what they've done in a while, but it looks pretty similar to Figma in many ways, but you can export react components. I definitely recommend checking them out.
>> That's frame what?
>> Framer, really good for interactive prototyping.

>> There's a question. For CSS, would you start with Sass or less for a small site?
>> Me personally, I'm at the point where I would start with CSS because for me, I can look at something now and pull out the property value pairs. If you're new and Sass is more comfortable for you, I would say go for it.

I remember when I was learning Sass in the beginning, so that stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. If you have not heard of Sass, I'll bring up the website. It is a CSS preprocessor that gives you the ability to create mixins or functions that you can include in things or nest elements.

This was astronomically confusing for me. I sat in my IBM training. We had a boot camp and they were just diving into Sass and I sat there like, what the heck is going on? I have no idea what's going on. So, me personally, I always recommend starting with the foundations.

I think it'll be a little bit easier to pick up. It's more primitive, and then once you understand those things, Sass can be quite powerful

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